2023 Jacquet Award Winners:
- R. Khari Brown, “Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter”
- Andrew Whitehead, “Mapping Ableism Across American Religious Groups”
- Lynette Moran, “Schism in the UMC: Investigation of Grief as Emotion and Object in the Midst of Social Change”
2022 Jacquet Award Winners
- Clara Gaddie, Exiting Evangelicalism: How Do Churchgoers Exit?
- Mary Elizabeth White Gently, “And Such Were Some of You:” Navigating Evangelicalism and Same Sex Attraction, 1973-2018
- Ignacio Cid, The Holy war of Banlieus: Muslim-Evangelical Fight over Paris’s Peripheries Souls
- Timothy Snyder Responsible Masculinity: An Ethnographic Study of Illuman’s “Men’s Rites of Passage”
- Joseph Yi, Promoting Liberty in North Korea: Faith-Based, Humanitarian Workers
2021 Jacquet Award Winners
- Audra Dugandzic, Polarization and the Production and Reception of Liturgical Change in the U.S. Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council
- Lucas Faure Muslim Philanthropy in Europe and the United States: A Comparative Approach
- Claire C. Gilliland White Supremacists are Sinful, but do Black Lives Matter? Comparing Clergy Responses across Racial Protests
- Kerby Goff Religion as Catalyst and Constraint for Women’s Collective Action: The Rise, Fall, and Legacy of the Protestant Woman’s Missionary Movement, 1861-1939
- Kelsey Hanson Woodruff Faithful Dissent: The Politically Progressive Women at the Margins of Evangelicalism
2020 Jacquet Award Winners
- Popy Begum God Does Not Judge: Mapping the Characteristics, Experiences and Service Needs of Muslim and Hindu Sex Workers on Garstin Bastion Road, New Delhi
- Jelani Ince, Between Controversy and Clarity: Managing Religion and Inhabiting Diversity at an Urban Church
- Sharan Kaur Mehta, Divided by Faith or United by Race? Negotiating South Asian Racial Identity and Politics in a Climate of Islamophobia
- James V. Spickard and Erin Wiens St. John, Keys to the Kingdom: How Have Selected Progressive Protestant Churches Created Thriving Multigenerational Congregations for the 21st Century?
2019 Jacquet Award Winners
- Cory Anderson, “Healthcare, Hate Crimes, Horse Droppings, and More: Toward an Empirically-Grounded Amish Policy Handbook for Practitioners”
- Chad Briggs, Judson University, “The Prevalence of Religious Service Attendance in America: A Review and Meta-Analysis”
- Nicole Fox, California State University, Sacramento, and Hollie Nyseth Brehm, Ohio State University, “’It Was Part of God’s Plan’: The Role of Religion in Narratives and Acts of Rescue During the Rwandan Genocide”
- Claire Gilliland and Laura Krull, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Are All People of Sacred Worth?: How United Methodist Church Clergy Respond to the Denominational Vote on Homosexuality”
- Benjamin Lowe, University of Florida, “Analyzing Opportunities and Barriers to American Evangelical Engagement on Environmental Concerns”
- Gina Zurlo, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, “Women in World Christianity Project: A Mixed-Methods Study of Gender in the World’s Largest Religion”
2018 Jacquet Award Winners
- Christine Cusack, University of Ottawa, “Disenchantment and Transition among Mainstream Mormon Women: Understanding Non-Religious Identity Construction and Organized Unbelief”
- David Eagle, Duke University, “Evaluating Clergy Mental Health and Attitudes Towards Mental Health in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”
- Linda Kawentel, University of Notre Dame, and Maureen Day, Franciscan School of Theology, “Ministerial and Formation Experiences Among Catholic Campus Ministers: A Qualitative Study to Expand Upon the 2017 National Survey of Catholic Campus Ministers”
- Rodrigo Serrão, University of South Florida, “Winning ‘Americans’ for Jesus?: Second-Generation, Racial Ideology, and the Future of the Brazilian Evangelical Church in the U.S.”
2017 Jacquet Award Winners
- Di Di, Rice University, “Getting Enlightened: A Comparative Study of Buddhist Temples in Mainland China and the U.S.”
- Lindsay Glassman,, University of Pennsylvania, “No Use for Doctors’ Orders: An Exploration of Religion, Gender and Class in Deliberate Refusals of Medical Care”
- Ian Gutierrez,, University of Connecticut, “Exploring the Impact of Involuntary Job Loss and Unemployment on Meaning Violation and Spiritual Struggle”
- Andreea Nica, Portland State University, “Exiters of Religious Fundamentalism: Reconstruction of Identity, Meaning, and Social Support Related to Well-Being”
- Stephen Offutt, Asbury Theological Seminary, “Religion, Global Poverty and International Development (Stage 2)”
2016 Jacquet Award Winners
- Elisabeth Becker, Yale University, “From Danger to Purity: Destigmatization Strategies in European Mosques”
- Yen-Chiao Liao, City University of New York, “Dynamics between LGBTI Movement and Christian Conservatives in the East Asian Society: The Case of Taiwan”
- Collin Mueller, Duke University, “Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Accessing the Faith-Based Safety Net and Unmet Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health Needs among Uninsured Residents of a Southern City”
- Marjorie Royle, Clay Pots Research; Jon Norton, Reformed Church in America; Thomas Larkin, Reformed Church in America; “Studying the Psychological Type of Congregations as a Tool for Reaching Religious ‘Nones’ and ‘Dones’”
- Landon Schnabel, Indiana University, “Gender, Religion, and Social Risks: Do Social Psychological Risks and Rewards Explain Gender Differences in Religion?”
2015 Jacquet Award Winners
- Richard Cimino, University of Richmond, “Church Planting and the Reproduction of Denominational Identity”
- Diego de los Rios, Northwestern University, “Religion on the Move: Evangelical Christians in Colombia, the United States, and Spain”
- Rebecca Fradkin, University of Oxford, “Nation Building and the Co-optation of Islam in a Nation and Multination State: Kazakhstan and Russia”
- Christopher Gillett, Brown University, “Catholicism and the Making of Revolutionary Ideology in the British Atlantic, 1630-1673”
- Yuksel Sezgin, Syracuse University, “The Impact of Religio-Legal Plurality on Women’s Rights: A Global Survey”
- Patricia Tevington, University of Pennsylvania, “Too Soon to Say ‘I Do’?: Exploring Social Class, Religion, and Family Life through Early Marriage”
- Hannah Waits, University of California Berkeley, “Missionary Positions: American Evangelicals and the Transnational History of the Culture Wars, 1945-2000”
2014 Jacquet Award Winners
- Rachel Ellis, “Conviction Behind Bars: Religion & Faith Among Incarcerated Women.” Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania.
- Zainab Kabba, “The Education of Young American Muslims.” Department of Education, Oxford University, UK.
2013 Jacquet Award Winners
- Hyun Jeong Ha, a graduate student in the Department of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, for her dissertation research “Crosses in the Islamic State: Nationhood and Citizenship Movements among Coptic Christians in Egypt.”
- Alana M. Henninger, a graduate student in the Department of Criminal Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY, for her dissertation research, “A Cross-country Comparison of Institutional Responses to Honor Violence.”
- Samuel Perry, a graduate student in the Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, for his dissertation research: “The Cause of the Fatherless: Mobilizing to Long-Term, Sacrificial Activism in the Evangelical Adoption and Orphan Care Movement.”
- Bethany Weed, a graduate student in the Department of Sociology, University of, for her dissertation research, ” Religion, Gender, and Assimilation: West African Teenagers.”
2012 Jacquet Award Winners
- Katharine A. Boyd, a Doctoral Student of the John Jay College of Crimqal Justice, CUNY, Graduate Center. The title of her study is: “Ecology of Religious Conflict: Cross-National Comparison of Violent Attacks.”
- Reid J. Leamaster, a Ph.D. Student at Purdue university: West Lafayette, Indiana. The title of his study is: “Gendered Resistance and Compliance in the LDS Church.”
- Mark McCormack, a Ph.D. student at Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee. The title of his study is: “Negotiating Women of Faith: A Multilevel Analysis of Interfaith Group Formation and Maintenance.”
- Aida Isela Ramos, a Ph.D. student from the;University of Texas in Austin. The title of her study is “Schools, Community, and Religious Volunteers: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Providing Social Support to U.S. Mexican Youth.”
- Laura Schneebaum, a student pursuing an M.A. in Mental Health and Wellness at New York University. The title of her study is: “Religious perceptions on Mental Illness: Orthodox Jewish Women’s Narratives.”
2011 Jacquet Award Winners
- Laura Andrews, University of Arizona, “The Role of Religious Meanings in Human Action: The Case of Environmental Conflict.”
- Zahra Ayubi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “What is Islamic? Debates over Ethical Approaches to Muslim Gender Reform.”
- Eileen Barker, London School of Economics, “NRMs and their Aging Converts.”
- John Eicher, University of Iowa, “How States and Interest Groups Defined their Identities through Interaction with Mennonites.”
- Justin Farrell, University of Notre Dame, “The Role of Religious Meanings in Human Action: The Case of Environmental Conflict.”
- Brad Fulton, Duke University, “Congregation-Based Community Organizing: The State of the Field.”
- Daniel Loss, Brown University, “The Afterlife of Christian England, 1944-1994.”
2010 Jacquet Award Winners
- Melissa Browning, Loyola University of Chicago, applied research as part of her PhD program in Christian Ethics, “Patriarchy, Christianity, and the African AIDS Pandemic: Rethinking Christian Marriage in Light of the Experiences of HIV Positive Women in Tanzania.”
- Harriet J. Hartman, Sociology Department, Rowan University, basic research, “Jewish Identity and its Influence on Secular Pursuits.”
- Kent R. Kerley, Department of Justice Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, basic research with an applied emphasis, “Freedom in life, freedom in faith: Understanding the impact of a faith-based transitional center for women.”
- Benjamin Meagher, University of Connecticut, basic research as part of his PhD program in Social Psychology, “Judgments of Religious Qualities and the Identification of Spiritual Exemplars.”
- Kevin Taylor, Boston University, basic research as part of his PhD program in Religious and Theological Studies, “Habits of the Hearth: Parenting, Religion, and the Good Life in America.”
- Jeremy Thomas, Purdue University, basic research as part of his PhD program in Sociology, “Identifying Underchurched and Overchurched Counties: An Application for a New Approach to the Analytic Separation of Religious Supply and Demand.”